
>Tips to Educate Children

Facing the behavior of various children makes us as parents have to think around. When we see the behavior of children who are funny and adorable can make us happy, laughing and happy. But sometimes as parents we become overwhelmed with our children's unruly behavior and want to just follow their own will. In fact, often parents lose their minds to use violent means both verbal violence (yelling, scolding) and physical violence (hitting, pinching) to discipline the child. Anger in parents is largely due to the mismatch between the child's behavior and the expectations of the parents. When parents are busy doing something and such as ignoring, there must be something that children do to attract the attention of their mother or father. And it is usually in the form of actions that are less enjoyable or annoying, so usually the anger of parents is provoked. The hope of parents is that children can play alone because they have bought various kinds of games so as not to disturb thei...

10 Tips to Educate Children to Be Obedient to Parents Since Childhood - GLOBAL ACHIEVEMENT SCHOOL

Educating children is one of the most important parental tasks. This process requires a lot of patience so that children can obey the parents. The meaning of obeying here does not mean that children are only forced according to or follow the will of parents. However, children are guided to listen to their parents and know why something is allowed and not. In order for children to obey from childhood, discipline needs to be applied early on. According to Dr. Harvey Karp pediatrics, the American Academy of Pediatrics, educates children so that discipline can start from the age of 8 months. To start educating children at such a young age there are certainly 3 keys that must be remembered so as not to missteps.3 Things to Remember Before Starting to Educate Children In educating children, the point is to help them to understand good and bad, as well as their limits. Instill good things so that later behavior and nature are also good. In order for it to work there are 3 things that parents ...