>Tips to Educate Children
Facing the behavior of various children makes us as parents have to think around. When we see the behavior of children who are funny and adorable can make us happy, laughing and happy. But sometimes as parents we become overwhelmed with our children's unruly behavior and want to just follow their own will. In fact, often parents lose their minds to use violent means both verbal violence (yelling, scolding) and physical violence (hitting, pinching) to discipline the child.
Anger in parents is largely due to the mismatch between the child's behavior and the expectations of the parents. When parents are busy doing something and such as ignoring, there must be something that children do to attract the attention of their mother or father. And it is usually in the form of actions that are less enjoyable or annoying, so usually the anger of parents is provoked. The hope of parents is that children can play alone because they have bought various kinds of games so as not to disturb their parents who are working. But the truth is that children still disturb their parents who are working.
Parental aggravation that occurs repeatedly makes parents angry and provokes angry words that come out of the parents' mouths. For example " you're a bad boy" or "you can't say, mama pinch ya you". Such speech, in addition to being useless because it will not improve the child's behavior, also forms a negative self-concept in children. Parents should never think that children do not understand the anger, they just can not express it through words. However, the negative speech directed at them is clearly very influential on the development of their souls.
Based on research in the field of Neurology, it turns out that children who often get negative labels / speech, screaming or crying from their environment, then the brain stem of the child will experience swelling that will suppress the limbic system that plays a role in controlling emotions. Therefore, it is not surprising that children who often get negative labels, chants and shouts especially with physical punishment, then later he will have difficulty in controlling emotions and in forming a positive self-concept. This is what we parents should be aware of in order to be willing to change and learn to better regulate and control emotions.
It deals with the behavior of children who are more interested in household items than their own toys. Chances are that children get bored with their own toys, every day they meet the same toys and have to play alone. So that what happens children will look for something new and interesting for the child and in various ways and behaviors, they will continue to try to get it.
The characteristics of children aged 0-5 years are as follows:
Children learn a lot to explore from their environment. Because of his high curiosity makes him always want to move actively to be able to fulfill it. In accordance with this physical development, children begin to interact with the environment. For example, he starts playing with objects around him or responding to us. At this stage the child begins to show the desire to touch, grasp or have something he sees. In addition, children also begin to develop autonomy so that the behavior that appears to be a child looks very selfish, unruly, at will, irritable if his wishes are not fulfilled due to rules, restrictions and prohibitions. This is the beginning of the tension between parents and children as well as the beginning of the beginning of the implementation of discipline.
Likewise, when children are invited ketoko, so many new items and sangta attract his attention. So there is his desire to run around just to fulfill his desire. Usually the age of 2-3 years is the peak of the child's activeness, if invited to the store, he will run around. His feelings were so happy and happy but he still couldn't express it that they showed with his active behavior moving around and over.
There are several things that parents can do in dealing with children's behavior, namely:
Understand the role of parents
Do we are grateful to have become parents, where in the midst of us there are still many people who want children, while we have obtained the most beautiful gift in our lives. Therefore, one way to be grateful is to understand the role of parents, this is very important to understand because this is the beginning of parents to be able to understand and understand about the world of children. Children who desperately need their parents to get care, care, guidance and education from their parents. What is his duties and role as a father and as a mother, so that children can feel happiness and trust together with their parents. And this is very good because it can affect the growth and development of children.
Accepting the child but not with his behavior.
Children have so much uniqueness in their behavior, they have a different world to adults. Before they know it's right wrong they just do what they want to do. So, the habits that are seen continuously by them are what make up their personality. Children are still learning to become adults. His behavior is sometimes very adorable for parents.
Without parents realizing it, children's behavior is the result of their very high imagination power that when they commit delinquency that we consider delinquency for them they are actually playing the game they want to play. In addition, children also experience different stages of development according to their age. And this will be continuous for the continuity of its development. They need a solid foundation to develop. For that as parents should be able to understand the stages of child development, so that in handling the child's behavior can be in accordance with the child's developmental age and ability.
Facing with affection and tenderness
In the face of an extraordinarily active child's behavior requires patience, tenderness and affection from his parents. If the child's behavior can be overcome with a smile why should it be with anger, if it can be with a swab why should it be with a punch, if it can be with a kiss why should it be with a pinch. By expressing affection in reprimanding mistakes, children will still feel comfortable even if they make mistakes, because they still do not understand and know the mistakes, all they know is that they always want more attention from their parents.
Children will be happy if parents show expressions of affection. For example by hugging, rubbing the head or just talking meekly. Parents must have patience in dealing with children's behavior. Parents' patience is very demanded when educating children if they want their souls to be stable and develop perfectly. Parents' patience can sometimes make children understand that what they are doing is not right. Conversely, by means of violence sometimes children will even more fight and rebel.
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