13 Tips and Ways to Educate a Good, True and Effective Child in the Golden Age

As a parent, of course, must be able to provide the right guidance and direction so that he becomes a good human being and be noble as we want to be when they have grown up.

The age of 0 years is a critical time for the development of the child's brain. It is at this stage that children experience golden times where brain development occurs quickly and rapidly. At this time even the child's brain has the ability to absorb new experiences faster than the child aged 3 years. Therefore, you should not be wrong in educating or setting examples for your children.

Success tips on how to educate a good child have many methods. How much success rate of the method is applied, of course, depends on how effective each parent is in contributing to their children. So that you are not confused in giving directions for children, here are some ways to educate a good, true and wise child that you can try.

1. Be gentle and show genuine affection
As a parent, always being gentle with your child is an absolute thing to do. Because only with gentle words will a child listen to the words of his parents. In addition to being required to be gentle to children, parents should also give sincere and complete affection to children. One example is to tell your child that you love him very much. Hugs or kisses can also be a special encouragement for the child's soul that you can do.

2. Be a good listener and provide support
Maybe your child has felt ridiculed by his peers. As a good parent, try to approach the child to tell a story. At such times you are required to be a good listener and be able to listen to all the complaints and complaints of the little one. This is the key to success in building the child's confidence.

Give positive support and equip him with skills to avoid ridicule of his friends and the ability to socialize well. For example, you can teach your child to avoid a mockery from his friend. For example, if there is a friend who says "You are ugly", then the most appropriate answer is "Biarin the important pinter". Children who are used to making fun will definitely feel bored with such answers because the taunts are not taken seriously and do not get feedback as he wants, for example by crying, complaining or angry.

3. Build creativity by playing together
Teaching children does not mean always having to make "new rules" that are not fun for him, but also can be by playing together. Let him learn something from you in much more fun ways like playing, dancing or playing music together.

4. Avoid using the word "Don't"
This is one of the mistakes that parents often make. When children are experimenting that may be a little dangerous, parents generally say "no" to their children. Indeed, this word if too often spoken by parents to their children can actually have a negative effect that causes the child not to develop his creativity. To replace the word "don't" you should use another word that means more positive. Examples of cases such as a child running, then his mother said "Don't run!". Surely what the mother means is to "walk" only but the child does not grasp this intention. So the sentence that should be used is "Just walk" or "Slow down" and so on.

5. Be a role model and idol for your child
In general, every child has a "superhero" idol in the world of his imagination. But in the real world, he would also want to own it. You as a parent as much as possible try to be what the child wants and always reliable. One is to do whatever you think is best to give to your children.

6. Give a sense of comfort
Grow comfortable when your child is with you. Invite to have a small discussion in between your togetherness. In order for children to feel comfortable, you should not be the one who feels most knowing everything so that it makes you seem to dominate the conversation. Make him like a friend who also needs to be listened to well and full of sympathy.

7. Grow an attitude of respect
Teach him to always respect whoever he is, both older people and peers. This is important to grow from an early age because later in life when he grows up he can be respectful to everyone.

8. Teach a sense of responsibility
Teach and remind your child to always have a sense of responsibility towards him or her. For example, if it's time for school, he has to leave. If he asks why it should be. Give him a reason that he can understand.

9. Teach to apologize
Apologizing for a mistake is a noble and knightly act. Teach your child to apologize for any mistakes he may have made to his peers so that he realizes that his actions are less commendable.

10. Don't be afraid
Parents usually tend to take easy "shortcuts". In addition to lying, parents also often scare children so that their children want to obey immediately. This is the wrong behavior of parents because in addition to being a kind of trauma when he is an adult, it also causes the child to become independent so that it can lock up his creativity.

11. Don't be lied to
Just like being afraid, children who are often lied to as children will become accustomed to the lies instilled by their parents. When he grows up, he will certainly think lying is a natural thing to do because everyone including his parents also does it.

12. Don't say loud and threatening
Many people say the child is no different as an empty white paper. Whether or not a child is also dependent on what the parents taught him. Therefore try to as much as possible avoid harsh words, threatening or even yelling at the child. If your child's behavior may seem mischievous or recalcitrant, try to hold back your emotions and say it softly and wisely.

13. Teach openness
When you have free time with your baby. Talk and try to find out about your daily life. Whatever he does, what makes him happy, what makes him sad or even that excites him. With the opening of the child, you can also look for gaps to be able to find out the nature of the child as well as be an inspiration for parents. A good and wise parent is a parent who can take experiences and lessons from anyone including from his own child.

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