[CoPas] Tips for Educating Children Early

From the results of observations, interviews with colleagues and based on
His own experience, that parents are very big role in educating children, especially in children since childhood. Educating children from an early age determines how a child's maturity develops. As a parent, any behavior will be seen by the child and used as an example of the child's behavior, both good and bad though. Because basically children under five years old curiosity and learning is very high. Memory for children under five years old is very sharp and as a parent it is like giving cotoh in everyday life on positive activities. For example, if parents like to read, or like to write or like to exercise or like to watch western movies and so on, the child tends to imitate it. Therefore, proud parents if they can do positive activities such as the above as an example, will instill the soul in children to like to write, draw, read and others.
Here are some tips on educating children from an early age:

1. Give an example by inviting him to participate in positive daily activities.
Cleaning the room of the house, Usually children who like to play with their toys will make a messy situation in the room of the house, teach children to be able to clean and tidy themselves after finishing playing.
- Reading reading books. Reading books are alltenative of a good teacher. Books as a source of knowledge that is limitless, many types of books that can be read and spread various themes and problems.
Reading magazines or newspapers, by reading newspapers and magazines will add insight to parents so that they can have a broader insight and can be taught.
By listening to the scriptures, usually a child will have a better spirituality when he grows up.
Writing, Children will pay attention when parents are writing and will imitate it with scribbles, usually walled but preferably in my mother-book that has been provided by parents, so that it also teaches keapian and cleanliness.
For families who have a grassy yard, usually every month the grass will be long and irregular, then children can be taught also how to tidy the yard.
Washing vehicles, both motorcycles and cars if not too dirty can be washed alone at home, as well as teaching children how to treat vehicles.
Invite kebengkel, usually children will be happy if invited to participate in kebengkel, and will usually add ideas for the child to get to know the type of motor vehicle, can also later become a sianak idol to be self-employed by opening workshops and others.

2. Give examples to obey the time, namely play time, study time and bedtime.
Usually children under five years old need more sleep than adults. So as a parent, especially you should be able to teach you when to play and when to rest. This is done for the health of the child itself.

3. Prevent children from bad things:
Fighting in front of children, because fighting in front of children will automatically provide examples of violence in the family in front of the child, so that it can cause psychological trauma to the child himself.
Leaving the child undisciplined, sometimes a hard upbringing can make discipline on the child, by being spoiled the child can not bathe and be responsible.
Hitting the child directly in front of other children, will result in a loss of confidence in the child.
If the father is the child, in the sense of the purpose of educating the mother should not defend the child, because if defended the child will not be deterred if he makes a mistake. Conversely, if the mother is the child in the sense of educating, the father should not defend the blame on the child, So that the cooperation of educating children is good and balanced.
Do not give a spectacle either in the form of violent films or Sinotron dramas that are whiny and dramatizing, to avoid children from the less good qualities of the impact they watch.

4. Spend time with the kids.
In the midst of busyness as a master person leave time to play with children, so that there is affection and learning in children.

5. Age 7 years, for those who Moslem if until not salat taught a little loudly, can be with lashings to remind children to immediately pray.

6. Above the age of 7 years Children will be able to be given more responsibility, so it is not too troublesome for parents.

Good luck
Good Luck!

*Agust Nasihin, Author active in blogs and http://id.shvoong.com/aff-5398E/, Review free books and install product reviews or advertisements on blogs, along with other articles, you can join http://id.shvoong.com/aff-5398E/ or visit http://goeswriting.wordpress.com
Published in: April 01, 2008
Relevant links: http://goeswriting.wordpress.com

Bibliography: Tips for Educating Children Early by Agust Nasihin 2008


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