Tips for Educating Children at the Age of 6 Years First

The first period in a child's life (the first six years) is the most critical and most important period. This period had a very profound influence on his personal formation. Whatever is recorded in the child's mind in this periede, it will appear his influences with him on his personality when he becomes an adult. (Aisha Abdurrahman Al Jalal, Al Muatstsirat as Salbiyah.)

Therefore, educators need to pay a lot of attention to the education of children in this period. The aspects that must be considered by both parents can be summarized as follows:

  • Provide the necessary affection for children from both parents, especially mothers. This is necessary, so that the child learns to love others. If the child does not feel this love, then he will grow up loving himself alone and hate the people around him.  "A Muslim mother must realize that nothing should prevent her from giving her child her natural needs of compassion and protection. He will corrupt the whole existence of the child, if he does not give his right in these feelings, which God gives with His grace and wisdom in the mother, which radiates by itself to meet the needs of the child." (Muhammad Quthub, Manhaiut Tarbiyah Al Islamiyah, juz 2.) So the mother should always pay attention to this and not be busy with career activities outside the home, disputes with the husband or other activities.
  • Get used to the disciplined child starting from the first months of his life. We don't think it's impossible. It has been proven that accustoming the child to suckle and waste at certain times and fixed, something that is possible despite repeated efforts so that the motor body will get used to and trained with this. Discipline will grow and increase in accordance with the growth of the child, so as to be able to control his demands and needs in the future.
  • 3. Let both parents be good examples for children from the beginning of their lives. That is by settling the manhaj of Islam in their behavior in general and in association with children in particular. Do not think because the child is still small and does not understand what is happening around him, so both parents do the wrong actions in front of him. This has a huge impact on the child's person. "Because a child's ability to catch, consciously or not, is enormous. Sometimes it's more than we thought. While we see it as a little creature that does not know and does not understand. Indeed, even if he did not know what he saw, it all affected him. Because, there are two tools that are very sensitive in children, namely the catcher and copycat, although the awareness may be a little or a lot late. But this can't change anything in the slightest. The child will catch unconsciously, or without puma consciousness, and will imitate unconsciously, or without full consciousness, everything that is seen or heard in the near future."
  • Children are accustomed to the general etiquette that must be done in their association. Among others: (Please see Ahmad Iuuddin Al Bayanuni, MinhajAt TarbiyahAsh Shalihah.)
    • It is accustomed to taking, feeding, feeding and drinking with the right hand. If eating with your left hand, be warned and transfer the food to its hands subtly.
    • Get used to the right part in dressing. When wearing a cloth, shirt, or other start from the right; and when removing his clothes start from the left.
    • It is forbidden to sleep face down and get used to sleeping with tilt to the right.
    • It is avoided not to wear clothes or shorts, so that children grow up with awareness of covering the aurat and embarrassed to open it.
    • Prevented from sucking fingers and biting his nails.
    • Get used to simple eating and drinking, and kept away from greedy attitudes.
    • It is forbidden to play with his nose.
    • Get used to reading Bismillah when you want to eat.
    • Get used to taking the nearest food and not start eating before everyone else.
    • Do not look closely at food or to those who eat.
    • Get used to not eating in a hurry and to chew food well.
    • It is used to eat food that is there and does not want what does not exist.
    • Get used to oral hygiene by using a shivak or toothbrush after eating, before going to bed, and after waking up.
    • Be educated to put others first in the food or games they like, by getting used to honoring their relatives, their young relatives, and neighboring children if they see them enjoying a meal or a game.
    • It is accustomed to saying two sentences of the shahada and repeating them many times every day.
    • Get used to reading "AZhamdulillah" if sneezing, and saying "Yarhamukallah" to people who sneeze if they read "Alhamdulillah".
    • To hold your mouth and close it if it evaporates, and do not make a sound.
    • It is common to be grateful if you get some good, even if only a little.
    • Not calling mother and father by his name, but accustomed to calling with the words: Ummi (Mother), and Abi (Father).
    • When walking do not precede both parents or who are older than him, and do not enter the place of the former in their honor.
    • Get used to walking on the sidewalk, not in the middle of the road.
    • Don't throw garbage on the street, even keep dirt away from it.
    • Say a polite greeting to the person he meets by saying "Assalamu 'Alaikum" and replying to the greeting of the person who said it.
    • Be taught the right words and get used to good language.
    • Get used to obeying the orders of parents or anyone who is bigger than him, if told something that is allowed.
    • If denied be warned to return to the truth willingly, if possible. But otherwise, be forced to accept the truth, for this is better than to remain rebutted and stubborn.
    • Both parents should thank the child if they obey orders and stay away from prohibitions. You can also give gifts that are loved in the form of food, toys or invited to go for a walk.
    • It is not forbidden to play as long as it is safe, such as playing with sand and games that are allowed, even if it causes dirty clothes. Because the game in this period is very important for the formation of the child's body and mind.
    • Instilled in children to be happy in the permissible game tools such as balls, cars, miniature airplanes, and others. And instilled in him to hate the game tools that have forbidden forms such as humans and animals.
    • Accustomed to respecting the property of others, by not taking other people's games or food, even games or the food of his own brother.


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