Tips for educating children

How to Instill Interest in Saving in Children

   Among moms may have difficulty in instilling an attitude of saving to the little one. Saving attitudes need to be instilled in children as early as possible, because as parents, of course you want your little one to have this habit. But, how to instill this habit properly in the baby? The following are some steps that can be done to instill a saving attitude in children. Here's how, namely: The Most Common Problems After Childbirth

   After a long pregnancy and a long birthing process, a mother's struggle does not stop there. Sometimes, there are still some health problems that arise post-delivery so you need special attention to overcome them. As described by dr. Syafrani Tanjung, spog is below. Important tips to overcome children who like nosebleeds (Blood coming out of the nose)

   Nosebleeds or in medical parlance called epistaxis is the occurrence of bleeding from the nose. Nosebleeds are more common in children than adults because children's ethmoidal arteries (nasal cavity blood vessels) are still thin and fragile. Nosebleeds can be caused by 2 factors, namely anatomical (the shape of the nasal cavity) and blood disorders.

To distinguish ordinary nosebleeds or not, pay attention to the frequency of nosebleeds. whether the occurrence is repeated or not, and observe whether there are trigger factors. If necessary, take your child to the doctor for further examination. Treatment of nosebleeds in children, generally done in a multidisciplinary manner between pediatricians and ENT doctors.

Important tips to overcome nosebleeds : Important tips to overcome babies who are afraid of breastfeeding

   Usually, the cause of the baby does not want to breastfeed, among others: pain or discomfort in the baby's oral cavity, can be due to sores, thrush, or teething. The amount of milk produced is less so that the baby feels dissatisfied breastfeeding. Changes in the mother's body odor, for example, the mother uses a new soap so that the fragrance is unusual for the baby and causes him not to want to breastfeed. Also, babies who are sick often cause this condition.

If your breasts feel tight when they are not breastfed, it is due to emptying that does not take place optimally. Often due to babies rarely breastfeeding, the production of breast milk becomes abundant and full so that it must be removed. Therefore, try to milk milk if something like this happens.

There are several things that need to be done, namely: How to Choose Your Child's Clothes

   One of the most enjoyable moments for a mother is shopping for baby clothes. The shape of the clothes are funny and petite becomes its own attraction, especially if you imagine the child will wear it. It must be adorable...!

Today, so many baby clothes are offered on the market. The model is also no less updated with adult clothes. Well, in addition to choosing baby clothes in terms of fashion, moms must also know very well that the clothes chosen for your child are safe.

Choosing baby clothes must be careful. The baby's skin is still very sensitive. Choosing the wrong material or clothing, then it can be a problem later. Baby skin is easy to absorb substances that stick to the surface of his skin. Here are the tips. The Dangers of Food

   Too often eating foods that will have a less good impact on your health in the long run. Health problems that may arise, namely:

  • Heart disease and stoke

In excessive amounts, saturated fat contained in coconut milk can increase levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) which over time can form crust / plaque on the walls of blood vessels. The next effect of the walls of blood vessels become narrow and hard. If this condition is severe enough then the blood supply to the heart muscle will be reduced in number so that it can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Important tips to overcome children who like to damage toys

   Basically, 3-year-olds tend to have a high curiosity. If he disassembles, breaks, flails or puts his toys in the water, it's not really meant to spoil. Except because the child's motor control is still not so good.

Children love to experiment or explore their toys, so they prefer to unpack, break toys and so on. For example, a 3-year-old child is given a notebook. Of course, he prefers to scribble or tear the paper. or, if given robots or cars, usually the child tends to like to disassemble or crash it into the wall or other cars.

But another problem, if the child has got a toy that is suitable for his function and age, then he also understands using it but even slams the toy until it is damaged. It means he did it out of anger. In this case, the child does not intend to damage the toy, but rather to vent his anger. A 3-year-old child can't manage his emotions well. This is where parents need to explain to their children that it's not good to do.


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